Vision, values and code of conduct
Our vision:
As a leading producer and distributor of electrical enclosure, enclosure and stainless steel solutions as well as a distributor of components for industrial automation, swibox focuses on the needs of its customers, partners and employees to the maximum extent possible.
All swibox products and services are characterised by customer-oriented added value and innovative services.
Our aim is to offer our customers and business partners a comprehensive portfolio of products and services and to be a flexible and reliable partner in our daily work.
Our values:
The employees of swibox are our most valuable asset. The dynamic environment in which our company operates requires a high level of commitment from all employees. The professional corporate culture, short decision-making processes and good team spirit contribute to a positive working atmosphere.
Respect, honesty and appreciation
We respect the boundaries, abilities and opinions of others. We work closely together across professional groups and learn from each other. Ethical and social behaviour is an obligation for us and mutual respect is a key feature of our cooperation. We respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual. We are open, honest and act with integrity and honour our responsibilities. We want to be reliable partners and only make promises that we can keep. These principles apply both to internal cooperation and to our behaviour towards external partners and customers.
We promote a culture of trust and openness. Our managers are equal and set an example of what they expect from their employees. We communicate openly and honestly.
We bear responsibility towards our employees. We are aware of our limited resources and utilise them optimally to achieve our goals. We are committed to acting responsibly so as not to jeopardise the health and safety of our employees. Safety-compliant behaviour is the responsibility of our employees. Support from managers is a matter of course.
Effective teamwork
Nobody knows everything, which is why we count on each individual to support the others. When working as part of a team, we get involved and make our contribution to the achievement of objectives as a team member.
We have short decision-making paths and want to remain agile. We are able to make timely and correct decisions on the basis of known principles. We aspire to be more agile, faster and better than the competition. We achieve this through a flat organisation, lean structures and a high degree of flexibility.
We are aware of our responsibility towards our environment and the surroundings in which we live. We pay attention to low resource consumption and favour environmentally friendly products and materials wherever possible.
Our code of conduct:
Laws and regulations
Wherever we work and do business, we strictly adhere to the laws and regulations of the respective country. These form the framework for our actions. In addition, we comply with internal guidelines and standards to which we have committed ourselves. We also require our business partners to comply with laws and regulations and to recognise our specific Code of Conduct for Business Partners as binding.
Bribery and corruption
Our business activities are based on the quality of our services and on honesty. For this reason, we firmly reject any form of bribery and other corruption. Regardless of the amount, we do not accept any gifts of money and do not give any ourselves. Gifts in kind or invitations are only permitted if they do not exceed a customary business framework and we do not receive any unauthorised advantage as a result.
Donations and sponsorship
As a responsible company, we are committed to society in various ways at the individual locations. This may include charitable donations and sponsoring activities within an appropriate framework. We do not make any donations to political parties, political organisations or individuals who hold or are running for political office.
Conflicts of interest
We avoid conflicts between our personal interests and the interests of swibox. In our daily work, we prioritise the interests of our clients and swibox over our own. We disclose internally any situations that give rise to potential or actual conflicts of interest. If an individual conflict of interest cannot be avoided, we take appropriate measures at an early stage and make them transparent so that swibox is not disadvantaged as a result.
Confidential information/data protection
Confidential information (including strategic, technical, financial, product-related and personal data) is not intended for third parties. We therefore handle it conscientiously and protect it in accordance with local data protection laws. This also applies to confidential information entrusted to us by third parties. We do not use confidential price-sensitive information for trading in securities and do not pass on such insider information to third parties.
Our business activities are characterised by reliability, credibility and integrity. Accordingly, we attach great importance to correct, truthful and transparent communication with our employees, customers, business partners and other swiboxstakeholders. When we exchange or disclose information, we ensure that it is up-to-date, truthful and comprehensible.
Protection of property
We treat swibox property with care and do not misuse it for personal purposes. Our intellectual property (including patents) is a competitive advantage for us. We therefore protect it in the same way as our tangible assets. We respect the intellectual property rights of competitors and third parties.
Equal opportunities
Treating each other with fairness, appreciation and respect is part of the swibox culture. This includes respecting human dignity and human rights and protecting the personalities of our individual employees. We promote equal opportunities and do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of gender, skin colour, ethnic origin, nationality, age, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disability, political views or ideology. We do not tolerate sexual harassment, threats, intimidation, verbal and physical violence or bullying in the workplace.
Health and safety
Health and safety in the workplace is a top priority for us. By committing to strict compliance with regulations and safety standards, we create a safe and healthy working environment. If we identify any shortcomings or violations, we report them immediately to our line manager so that appropriate measures can be taken.
We strive for the sustainable development of our business and reject the pursuit of profit at the expense of the environment. We consistently comply with environmental laws and regulations and, where possible, exceed the minimum requirements for environmental protection. We are committed to environmentally friendly production and use natural resources responsibly.